1. Putting model EasyTask into operation

    Artikel: AN0002393Aktualisiert: 20.01.2019

    Before you start using model EasyTask, you have to carry out several steps for its first configuration.

    1. Set yourself as IT owner of the model EasyTask

    In order you can manage the model, you have to be either Administrator (setting is done in element AdminLogins in the file web.config) or IT owner of the model (setting is  done in the model: menu Administration - Models - Models, select model EasyTask and set yourself in the field IT owner).

    2. Assigning access rights

    After installation there is only role IT Architect available in the model. If you want also other roles to be able to work with tasks, assign these roles to the model (menu Administration - Models - Models, click on model EasyTask and assign the respective roles on tab Roles and display). If you want EasyTask to be used by all the users assign role All authenticated users in this way. You can create also your custom roles (menu Administration - Access control - Roles).

    Use these new assigned roles in the class Task (menu EasyTask - Task). In the bottom left screen corner click on icon Class and on the tab Roles and display assign Reading data, Inserting data and Change of data (and potentially also other operations).

    If you are taking over assignment of roles to users from Active Directory groups, make sure that respective users are also members of the respective Active Directory groups. (Active Directory group is defined in the detail of the ObjectGears role: menu Administration - Access control - Roles).

    If you define membership in roles in ObjectGears, assign the respective role to each user (menu Administration - Users - Users).

    3. Review of master data

    In order you can modify master data of the model EasyTask, you have to have the role IT Architect - see above.

    Model EasyTask contains several master data tables (Category, Priority, Project, Status, Version). Modify them according to your needs. Besides updating data in these classes you can create also your custom master data that you may want to refer to - e.g. project phase, work stream, change request. We have to create first the class in which we will keep records of Project phase etc. and then we will create a new column (of type Value from referenced class) in the class Task. In the settings of this new column we will select class Project phase in the field Referenced class.

    Current master data that you will not need for recording your tasks can be deleted or hidden. Hiding can be performed in the class Task in the Column view. We will click on Form appearance in the bottom toolbar. We hide the respective columns by clicking on the red cross icon at the column. Then we save the new settings.

    4. Further development

    EasyTask is a simple model which is very useful if you are starting with a central task repository or you are a small team. You can extend the model by adding new classes that will help you structure your work, by introducing notifications, keeping an eye on deadlines by means of automated time operations. Another possibility is to use more complex solution provided by model IT - see Project layer and Program and Portfolio management.
